About Me!

Hello, and thank you for visiting my website!

My name is Daniel, and I'm a computer scientist living in Cincinnati.

I studied computer science at the University of Cincinnati and have been involved with many professional associations and activities.

My Story

I was born in South Carolina in 2000 to a high school teacher and a US Marine. Due to my dad's job, we moved frequently, about every 1-3 years. By the time I was 15, I had already moved over a dozen times. During my education, my mom homeschooled me for about six years and I feel very fortunate to have been raised by a family that values education.

As a child, I was always inclined towards engineering. Every Christmas, I would ask for Legos and build increasingly complex contraptions. When I was 12, I even built a working mechanical clock. It was during this stage in life that I developed a passion for fishing. My friends and I would go fishing almost every day after school. I enjoyed it because it allowed me to connect with nature, and the problem-solving involved in fishing rigs and setups satisfied that engineering itch.

As I got older, I developed an entrepreneurial spirit. I started cleaning cars and mowing lawns to fund my hobbies. I still nurture this entrepreneurial spirit, and my dream is to one day operate a successful engineering firm.

In college, I was involved in several activities, including:


In my free time, I enjoy:

Technical Interests

When I'm working on something engineering related, it's usually related to:


My primary aspiration in life is to start and grow a thriving business. I hope to create something that brings value and joy to people's lives and becomes an integral part of their everyday routines.

A secondary aspiration of mine is to maintain a sense of adventure. Throughout my upbringing, I had the privilege of experiencing many parts of the world that remain hidden to most people. I aim to continue pushing beyond my comfort zone, exploring different cultures, meeting new people, and gaining a broader perspective of life on this earth. By doing so, I hope to find innovative ways to contribute and make a positive impact in making the world a better place.